Tri tri Triceratops (KidzMixFlix)
I’m mostly a quite pleasant fellow
Munching the grass as it grows
But bad guys take care
better watch out, beware
of the horns on my head and my nose
I’m maybe not what you’d call handsome
My eyes are all read and too small
But they are the eyes of a very tough guy
and one looks enough, says it all
Tri tri tri tri tri Triceratops
You’re one strong guy
Bad bad bad bad bad guys stay away
My my my my my you won’t give up, you’ll never stop
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah usually get your way
I never eat meat, I’m a vegy
Eat lots of greenery each day
The reason I’m big, I’m a bit of a pig
eating a lot is my way
I’m mostly a quite pleasant fellow
Extra informatie
Tekst en muziek: B. Corbett en J. de Plesses
Youtubekanaal van KidzMixFlix
Bron: © Sunroof Music (Blue Strike Music)